What Makes Me Smile

When I stop to think about the things in my life that make me smile, none of them are personal possessions, but things that I love dearly. The first to top that list is my loving husband. He knows exactly what to say to make me laugh when I'm stressed or overwhelmed. He knows how to make sure that I take my mind off of things that don't matter. He knows exactly when to NOT say something and just make me feel secure and loved. In the 2nd spot of my list are my neices that live in Louisiana. I don't see them often, but when I do, they make my day brighter than before. The video below is of them. To be honest, I've watched it multiple times since making it last night. Everytime I see it, it brings a smile to my face. Especially the pic of Sadie and Mr. Potato. Regardless of how infrequently that I see them, they love me and give me lots of affection and kisses when they do. For that, I am grateful.


grammys heart said…
I love it !! You are so creative !