Journal #7: What Are You Grateful For?

Oooo!  This topic always stops me dead in my tracks.  I spend so much time focusing on achieving, getting better at something, all so I can put another feather in my hat that I often forget to stop and be grateful.  It's hard in this society to do that when everything and everyone around you are focused on the next big thing.  So, stopping is difficult.  I am a go-go-go kind of girl, but today I'll pause.

1.  I am grateful for my health.  Yes, there is always room to improve, but for the most part, I'm a healthy girl.  I'm able to go and do all that I want.  I sleep well at night and have sufficient energy to get through the day.  Some people don't.

2.  I'm grateful for the love I feel from the people around me on a daily basis.  My husband is the world's best and letting me know that he loves me on a daily basis.  My students dish out the hugs and sweet notes that fill my bucket daily.  My parents let me know each time I speak with them just how they feel about me.

3.  I am grateful for the enjoyment that my pup, Taku gives me.  He's my biggest stress reliever.  Watching him juke and jive gives me pleasure.  His sweet snuggles aren't bad either.

4.  I'm grateful for my job.  I get to empower kids every single day and let them know that yes, they can in fact, succeed!  I get to help them find their strengths and improve their weaknesses, all in an environment with love and support.
